

In January 2024, Amazon France Logistique was fined €32 million by the French Data Protection Authority, CNIL for its employee data processing practices. The company’s employee monitoring practices¹ caught attention of the regulator for being excessive, non-transparent and violative of privacy rights of employees under the Eur0pean Union’s (EU) General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The […]

Find the full report here. Overview 2023 was an eventful year in India’s tech policy landscape and for us at DeepStrat. We expanded our policy risks vertical, engaged in several public consultations, undertook new projects, published several studies, built collaborations, and designed solutions. This is a recap of how the landscape evolved and the key […]

A PDF version of the report is available here. Executive Summary The era of digitisation may have begun, when the Personal computer became available as a mass market device in the year 1970, when the Altair 8800 was introduced, but it accelerated at great speed in the 2000s, when internet companies figured out how to create […]

The landmark Digital Personal Data Protection (DPDP) Bill, 2023 is finally here, and it comes with some significant changes from the last draft that was put out for consultation last year. DeepStrat had submitted its comments to the draft in January, 2023 and several suggestions have been incorporated. There are several major changes that have […]

The Reserve Bank of India mandated the deletion of card-on-file data by merchants and PA/PGs. Industry bodies and civil-society organisations gave inputs seeking an extension of this deadline in December last year, including The Dialogue and Deepstrat which published a paper outlining the challenges associated with rushed compliance. The RBI, taking cognisance, gave a six-month […]

Categories: Privacy, Technology

As we know, Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) is a hot topic of interest. The Indian government has announced its intention to introduce CBDC. Globally, the CBDC idea came in response to the spectacular rise of Bitcoin as an alternative currency. Something was seen that was needed to be done. CBDC was deemed to have […]

Categories: Cybersecurity, Privacy

Professor Alan Westin, American professor of law, recognised as the father of modern data privacy law, laid down the basic principles of privacy law decades ago in his books, ‘Privacy and Freedom’ and ‘Databanks in a Free Society’. Westin defined privacy as the “claim of individuals, groups or institutions to determine for themselves when, how […]

Categories: Cybersecurity, Privacy

Information is power. A range of organisations — from private military firms such as NSO to various instruments of the State — collect information to empower governments. The quest for unbridled power and critical information often leads to using unprincipled and unlawful means. Snooping is a grim reality since the days of Chanakya, or indeed, […]

Categories: Privacy, Technology

With the Supreme Court’s imprimatur on Right to Privacy as a fundamental right, the country was eagerly waiting for a Data Protection Law to be enacted by Parliament, after due deliberation and clearance by a joint parliamentary committee. But before the contours of the privacy regime could be laid out in cold print, the government […]