

In January 2024, Amazon France Logistique was fined €32 million by the French Data Protection Authority, CNIL for its employee data processing practices. The company’s employee monitoring practices¹ caught attention of the regulator for being excessive, non-transparent and violative of privacy rights of employees under the Eur0pean Union’s (EU) General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The […]

A PDF version of the report is available here. Executive Summary The era of digitisation may have begun, when the Personal computer became available as a mass market device in the year 1970, when the Altair 8800 was introduced, but it accelerated at great speed in the 2000s, when internet companies figured out how to create […]

The landmark Digital Personal Data Protection (DPDP) Bill, 2023 is finally here, and it comes with some significant changes from the last draft that was put out for consultation last year. DeepStrat had submitted its comments to the draft in January, 2023 and several suggestions have been incorporated. There are several major changes that have […]

Categories: Finanace, Technology

A. Gaming Industry in India   “The gaming market is huge internationally and the number of youth connected to this market globally is increasing. That is why in this year’s [2022] budget we have focused on Animation Visual Effects Gaming Comic (AVGC)”1 Mr. Narendra Modi, Hon’ble Prime Minister of India “The animation, visual effects, gaming, […]

Categories: Technology

To, Shri Akhilesh Kumar Trivedi, Advisor (Networks, Spectrum and Licensing), Telecom Regulatory Authority of India Date: January 31, 2023 SUB: Our counter-comments on the consultation paper on the introduction of Calling Name Presentation (CNAP) in telecommunication networks Dear sir, Greetings from DeepStrat, a New Delhi-based think tank and strategic consultancy.  We commend TRAI for the […]

Categories: Technology

To, Shri Akhilesh Kumar Trivedi, Advisor (Networks, Spectrum and Licensing), Telecom Regulatory Authority of India Date: January 17, 2023 SUB: Our Comments on the consultation paper on the introduction of Calling Name Presentation (CNAP) in telecommunication networks   Dear sir, Greetings from DeepStrat, a New Delhi-based think tank and strategic consultancy. We commend TRAI for […]

Categories: Technology

First there was the web. Researchers came up with the ideas, and tools to create, and publish content, cross-linked with references, etc. This was very natural to their way of thinking. When the amount of information grew, and it was not possible for people to find their way around the web on their own, web […]

Categories: Technology

Provisions in the Bill DeepStrat Comments  Definitions (Sec 2)  While the inclusion of new services was expected in the definition of “message”, the broad sweep of phrases such as “data stream” and “intelligence” may need further clarifications. In particular, the requirement for such services to be compliant to a licencing regime under the new framework […]

Categories: Finanace, Technology

Context Digital lending is growing rapidly and along with the growth there has been a noticeable rise in consumer harms. These harms arise due to a variety of factors such as regulatory void on upcoming technology and data use in the financial sector, digital literacy, financial literacy leading to exploitative practices and suboptimal outcomes such […]

The Reserve Bank of India mandated the deletion of card-on-file data by merchants and PA/PGs. Industry bodies and civil-society organisations gave inputs seeking an extension of this deadline in December last year, including The Dialogue and Deepstrat which published a paper outlining the challenges associated with rushed compliance. The RBI, taking cognisance, gave a six-month […]

Categories: Privacy, Technology

As we know, Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) is a hot topic of interest. The Indian government has announced its intention to introduce CBDC. Globally, the CBDC idea came in response to the spectacular rise of Bitcoin as an alternative currency. Something was seen that was needed to be done. CBDC was deemed to have […]

Carl Von Clausewitz, the Prussian General and military theorist introduced the concept of “absolute war” where participants use every means at their disposal to achieve victory. As the Russian invasion of Ukraine enters its seventh day, much of what the world is witnessing reiterates Clausewitz’s theory of absolute war. While the tanks, soldiers, aircraft and […]

Categories: Cybersecurity, Technology

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Encryption in today’s increasingly interconnected world is perhaps the only technology that provides us a sense of safety online. It is the most important enabler of free speech and indirectly thus, allows for the internet enabled communication to provide the same privacy we expect within the confines of what a physical conversation with […]

Categories: Cybersecurity, Technology

This study by The DialogueTM and DeepStrat analyses the national security implications of weakening encryption technology. It is based on qualitative inputs from veterans in the law enforcement, intelligence agencies, the military and India’s tech community. The report is also a deep study of global legal and technical standards. It highlights the challenges investigators face […]

Categories: Cybersecurity, Technology

Through recent guidelines, the Reserve Bank of India mandated the deletion of card on file details by merchants and PA/PGs post 31.12.21. They also expanded the scope of application of the tokenisation framework to help counteract potential disruption. The Dialogue and DeepStrat conducted a series of interviews with key stakeholders in the digital payments ecosystem […]